BECOME A SPONSORWhether you're a local small business (Hey, Barbers & Salons!), a big-box retailer (What's up, Walmart?), a grocery chain (Much love, Trader Joe's!!), a pharmaceutical entity (Hi there, GSK and Pfizer!), or occupy any other business category, we appreciate your support and direct donations! Let's work together for the greater good!
iParticipate is on a mission to make broader access to clinical trials more than just talk. We use your generosity to reach farther and do more. Your support mean that iParticipate can reach more people with our messages and connect with them in the ways that matter most! Donations to iParticipate contribute to patient advocacy, education programming, and connecting with the community across the country and globally. Beyond the donations you might make to annual walkathons and other fundraisers for research, you now have an opportunity to make a contribution to a cause that actually facilitates more people stepping up to participate in those clinical trials that will lead to the cures we need! In the final analysis, participants are the determining factor of research success. iParticipate pursues community outreach to promote clinical research education and actual participation. Your contributions help to reduce health disparities long-term. Funds are used to reduce barriers and to help support participants in practical ways. With your help, we will make a real difference in the world. Click the button below to donate via credit card, Apple Pay, or PayPal. Thank you in advance for all of your support! To donate via check, please make it payable to iParticipate and mail to: iParticipate Incorporated, P.O. Box 3281, Cary, North Carolina 27519-3281. iParticipate is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt nonprofit organization. Thanks in advance for your sponsorship generosity! |